Wouldn’t your dog just love a soothing, aroma-therapeutic blueberry facial? Rover Stay Over is pleased to now offer pet facials in our new grooming salon!
Fresh Facial Scrub by TropiClean is a naturally green and tear-less face wash, shampoo and color brightener made with coconut oil, jojoba, aloe, blueberry, avocado and vitamins A, D and E.
The refreshing blend effectively removes dirt and, when used on a regular basis, can lighten tear stains. The product is great for all skin types and all ages of pets
Pets love having the product gently massaged through their fur; their owners appreciate that the lightly foaming cleaner leaves their furry friends smelling fresh and clean for a long time.
Ready to treat your pet to a feel-good facial? Call Rover Stay Over today to book an appointment. 360-306-5931.